Yes, I want it...... I want a Teenage romance.
Oh to be able to feel someone's arms around me
and know that He feels butterflies too, in his stomach
and He too loves the smell of my fragrance as I do his, Yes!
I want it.... not that I had it when in my teens
Maybe that's why I am still seeking it....believing it....that someday it will....happen so, as i want it
somehow, someone would appear from the dark shadows of doubt and embrace me like Cinderella or kiss me as if I am snow white?Oh boy, do I want it!
to feel the honey dew drops on my lips as his lips touch mine
I want it, As our breaths run away and we make an orchard with only our hands, and out come butterflies and all the beautiful things that can, I want it.Magic made by his hands as he take a strand and brush it away from my eyes and my eyes twinkle
in this romance and I live! after a thousand deaths as he says my name with that love in his voice and I swing around and meet him half way, on an old rusted bridge, as if two lovers meeting at the end of a fairytale, I want it!Yes, I want it......that Teenage romance...